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Jenna Jameson - The world's first true porn maga star
Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson is widely recognized as having transcended from pornstar to superstar, according to AVN magazine she reigns as one of the great sex symbols of all time. She continues to lead the adult industry into the mainstream of entertainment with a poise and grace that has led her to icon status.

With mainstream acting credits that include 'Howard Stern's Private Parts', a cameo in the forthcoming 'Austin Powers 3' and a lead role in new Canadian horror flick 'Samhain'; alongside current and previous Vivid Girls Taylor Hayes, Chasey Lain and Ginger Lynn.

Signed to appear as the lead female role in Hollywood's ICM production of 'Jimmy The Dragon', a story of a US Wrestling Giant, Jenna Jameson has risen from Vegas Showgirl to celebrity icon in her own right.

Jenna Jameson - Videos and DVDs

Jenna Jameson in: Brianna Loves Jenna
Briana Loves Jenna

Briana Loves Jenna - XXX - Vivid.
Jenna, her first boy/girl scene in over two years. Get an inside look at the world?s leading sex star Jenna Jameson, as she blows your mind with a full frontal assault on stunning blonde Briana Banks! Full review, more info...

Stars: Briana Banks , Isabella Plus , Jenna Jameson , Jim Enright , Shay Sweet

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Jenna Jameson in: Jenna Loves Rocco

Flashpoint - XXX - Wicked.
Flashpoint may be the best all-around adult title that I have seen. It has great looking performers, great sex scenes, a half-decent plot and Jenna Jameson. Full review, more info...

Stars: Jenna Jameson, Asia Carrera, Brittany Andrews, Eric Price, Jill Kelly, Johnni Black, Jonathan Morgan, Mickey G., Mike Horner

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Jenna Jameson in: Jenna Loves Rocco
Jenna Loves Rocco

Jenna Loves Rocco - XXX - Vivid.
It's about Rocco and Jenna, Brooke and Bobby, and Anna and Alex. It's about the night they'll never forget. Now in a film you'll never forget. Full review, more info...

Stars: Anna Malle, Brooke Waters, Jenna Jameson, Melissa Hill, Roxanne Hall

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Jenna Jameson in: I Dream of Jenna
I Dream of Jenna

I Dream of Jenna - XXX - Vivid.
Who hasn't dreamed of having their own personal genie, especially one that looks like Jenna Jameson. A 2 1/2 hour sextravaganza.
Full review, more info...

Stars: Autumn, Brittany Andrews, Donnie Karma, Inari Vachs, Jenna Jameson, Jewel De'Nyle, Jim Enright, Justin Sterling, Karl Anna

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Jenna Jameson in: Where the Boys Aren't 14
Where the Boys Aren't 14

Where the Boys Aren't 14 - XXX - Vivid.
Dasha gets munched by boot-licking fetish girl, Dayton, before squirting her cunny juice all over Jenna's fingers! Chelsea eats out
Cheyenne as Ms Jamseon videos them!
Full review, more info...

Stars: Briana Banks, Chelsea, Chelsea Sinclair, Cheyenne, Dasha, Dayton, Jenna Jameson, Kira Kener, Kira Kerner, Raylene, Sinclair, Taylor Hayes

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