General Information:
Name: TC Chew
Company Name: Lesser Films
Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Professional Status: Semi-Professional
Online Portfolio:
Specialising/Interested in: Portrait, Topless/Lingerie, Artistic Nude Figure, Explicit Nude, Toys (explicit), Girl/Girl Simulated, Girl/Girl Hardcore, Boy/Girl Hardcore, Video - Softcore, Video - Hardcore.
Producer's Comments:
I am independent filmmaker based in Singapore. I appreciate a professional talent when I meet one, and I always acknowledge his/her good works with the expected pay. But I'm always looking for more than a professional.
My alternative videos eschew generic classification. I don't care if they're gonna sell, or get accepted/acclaimed by feminist porn or other kind film festivals. I just wanna capture moments of open minded people enjoying each others company, sensibilities and sensuality. So let's make something happening together.
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