General Information:
Name: Francis mestre
Company Name: Showcolat
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
Professional Status: Semi-Professional
Online Portfolio:!/album.php?aid=29352&id=1050086133
Specialising/Interested in: Portrait, Swimsuit, Topless/Lingerie, Artistic Nude Figure.
Producer's Comments:
first i'm not a photographer, but a Lifecaster, carver... I produce statues replica of real peoples by lifecast technic. (in few words i make a mould of live people) then proceed to the duplication with different material, my first exhibition was held in Mars 2008 "Moderdity" and i'm preparing a new one for Mars 2011, in collaboration with others artists (all are welcome to join) and art students.
I'm still looking for nude models.
time to proceed to the life casting(Full body), preparation, process and cleaning around 4 Hours
salary full body RP 500.000
Half body RP 300.000 (2 Hours)
You can have a look on modernity exhibition on my Facebook.
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