General Information:
Name: riva alessandro
Company Name: C.E.
Location: Brussels, Zaventem, Belgium
Professional Status: Semi-Professional
Specialising/Interested in: Swimsuit, Topless/Lingerie, Artistic Nude Figure, Explicit Nude, Toys (explicit), Girl/Girl Simulated, Girl/Girl Hardcore, Boy/Girl Hardcore, Video - Softcore, Video - Hardcore, Private Shoots (for photographer's personal use.
Producer's Comments:
Hi, I'm photographer and prodcer in the field of erotic outdoors sports. These sports are climbing, fishing, hunting, riding, diving and sailing.
No experience is asked for fishing and hunting.
Minimal experience is asked for sailing.
Good experience is asked for riding and climbing.
Do bikini - explicit nude - erotic. I can use several girls on a session but do no girl/girl nor boy/girl.
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