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lauren grady - Photographer. Newcastle, Tyne And Wear, UK (England)

General Information:

Name: lauren grady
Company Name: ITEC north east
Location: Newcastle, Tyne And Wear, UK (England)
Professional Status: Semi-Professional

Specialising/Interested in: Fashion, Portrait, Swimsuit, Topless/Lingerie, Artistic Nude Figure, Explicit Nude, Toys (explicit).

Photographer's Comments:

I have been doing photography for 4 years and have a very good understanding of it. I enjoy taking pictures of many different objects/people. I also enjoy editing them and changing the effects of the photo. I am very hard working and work to a time scale to complete all my work on time.
I have excelent people skills and enjoy working with the public and members of staff.


Lauren Grady
1, Rockwood Hill Estate
Tyne and Wear
NE40 4BG
0191 413 1149
0797 135 6075

Name: Lauren Suzanne Grady

Date of Birth: 02/09/1986

Academic Education: Ryton Comprehensive School

2005 – A Level

ICT – 4 passes at grade C

2004 – AS Level

ICT – 4 passes at grade C

2003 – GCSE

English lang/lit - DD
Maths - E
Graphics - D
Geography - D
Art - C
French - E
Physics - D
Chemistry - E
Biology – E

At present I am working part time as a sales assistant at Sweets Galore. I enjoy my work and the people I work with, although if needed I am willing to give up my part time job if and when I get a full time job.
I have recently completed my NVQ level 2 in business administration. I am now wishing to change my line of work. I have always been very interested in art and have chosen to do photography. I spend a lot of my free time taking pictures of various things. I really enjoy modifying them, making one thing look like another, changing colours and making textures look different. I have a lot of experience with different types of cameras but would thoroughly enjoy learning more.
My ambition in life if to become a professional photographer and to sell and publish my pictures. I am very artistic and have a creative mind. I am able to work alone but also enjoy working with others. I am able to think for my self so do not require constant assistant.
I am very trust worth and have a friendly and out going nature.

I am looking for a full/part time job working in photography, although full time would be preferred. I am prepared to start with the basics and work my way up. I am a fast learner and would benefit from any training or support that would be provided.

I have my own car so travelling to work is not a problem.

If you could help in any way it would be greatly appreciated.

Lauren Grady


27th March 2006

Dear sir/madam

I am writing to you in the hope that you will consider my letter and enclosed CV should you be in a position now or in the future whereby you are looking to employ trainee photographers.

I am highly interested in becoming a photographer and was considering going to college in September, personally I feel I would benefit from being in a job and receiving support and training as I work. This is why I am writing to you, to ask if you could take me on as a trainee photographer. I have been interested in photography for many years and would like to pursue it as my career.

I have a very creative mind and enjoy putting my thoughts and ideas in to my work. I believe I have the ability to go far with my photography and world greatly appreciate the opportunity to join your company and for fill my ambition. I am a good worker and progress well. I enjoy working alone and sometimes feel I can complete work more efficiently, although I also enjoy working with other members of staff, putting our thoughts together and having discussions on work.

If it was possible, perhaps I could meet with you of one of your colleagues to have an opportunity to re-enforce my interest and enthusiasm. I would also be interested in any advice you could offer me to support and improve my ambition to train and find employment as a photographer. I have a portfolio which I could also bring along to show you some of my work.

Alternatively I would grateful if you could send me any details about vacancies and how I could formally apply.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my CV. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours Sincerely

Lauren Grady

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