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Clive Aylard - Photographer. Rotherham, South Yorkshire, UK (England)

General Information:

Name: Clive Aylard
Company Name: Infinity
Location: Rotherham, South Yorkshire, UK (England)
Professional Status: Semi-Professional

Specialising/Interested in: Fashion, Portrait, Swimsuit, Topless/Lingerie, Artistic Nude Figure, Explicit Nude.

Photographer's Comments:

Infinity is a team of two dedicated photographers myself and Garry. We share a passion for photography with special interests in Landscape, Portrait, and Artistic Form with a bias toward outdoor ‘close to nature’ feel. Forrest, waterfalls, harvest time and seascapes etc.
Photography can be described as the capture of an image. To produce a good image you need to consider the basics Composition, Contrast, Colour (or its absence -as in Black and white.) and Control.
A Photograph is a picture image of a person. A portrait shows emotion, it tells you about that person and both captures and portrays their personality.
At Infinity we are committed to a totally professional studio result with significant investment in Mamiya Bowens, Leaf Sony and Cannon equipment to achieve the very best results.
We have completed numerous on-line lighting training modules including the following.
‘Classical Posing and Portrait Lighting’ Frank Disperisa
‘The Basics of Portrait lighting’ Tony Corbell
‘Da Vinci lighting and posing techniques with one light’ Tony Corbell
‘Creative Studio lighting’ Lindsay Adler
‘Creative depth, shape and form in portrait photography’ Tony Corbell
We have been inspired by internationally renowned photographers such as George Losse, Ian Cartwright, and Brad Willis and intend to emulate their creative styles. Our Goal is to continue to expand our knowledge base, and develop our skill sets with the purpose of producing a unique portfolio of truly excellent imagery. We are extremely committed but we also want our photography to be above all fun and we are looking to work with models who possess an effervescent personality.

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