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Serenity - Shelbytownship Model, Mi, USA


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Model's Comments:

I've always wanted to try modeling, but sad to say my height is the big problem to get booked for photoshootings. So that leads me to this type of modeling, where height doesnt matter. *big smiles* n_n . Am willing to travel, if the expensences are paid for of course. that is all, take care and all that jazz.

Last Logged in: Tuesday Dec 29, 2009 at 11:32 PM
Profile Last Updated: Tuesday Dec 29, 2009 at 11:34 PM

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Personal Details
Age: 39
Cup size: B
Weight: 103 lbs
Height: 5 ' 2 "
Dress size: 2
Hair: Blonde - light
Eyes: Blue-Green
Experience: None
Modeling Details & Rates
Swimsuit: Ask
Lingerie: Ask
Topless: Ask
Artistic Nude Figure: Ask
Erotic Nude: Ask

United States Dollars - USD

Sexy models: USA: Shelbytownship Model Serenity - American Model General

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